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RLTC Code of Conduct


Court Etiquette


All members please:

  • Be courteous and considerate to other members and our neighbours at all times

  • Club opening times are 7am - 10pm however please be aware we are in a residential area and are respectful of others space and privacy

  • Players must book their court via ClubSpark before arriving at the club

  • Wear non-marking tennis shoes & wear suitable sports clothing when playing

  • When entering courts, wait for an appropriate time to cross at the back of the court for adjacent court access (i.e. the end of a point) and allow those on court to move and give you space

  • Avoid chasing the ball down to another court if other players are using it

  • Please take your litter (eg. ball tubes, drink bottles etc) with you - recycling bins in the clubhouse

  • Lock the courts after you have finished your session

  • Lock the clubhouse when you are leaving. Check all doors are secured & lights are off

  • Children may use the courts from the age of 13 without coaching/parent/responsible supervision

  • No adults are allowed in the changing rooms/toilets if a child/children or vulnerable adult/s are using - please wait outside until free

  • Read our current Guidelines, Policies and fully understand the club’s rules


Being a RLTC member, adult, child, or parent/guardian carries responsibilities to behave in certain ways which are here. Breaches in this Code of Conduct are taken seriously and may result in membership being reviewed.


If you see anyone using the facilities incorrectly or damaging anything please ask them politely not to and contact one of the members of the committee. The club belongs to its members, please play your part in caring for it. 




 Code of Conduct



All RLTC coaches, adult members and volunteers agree to:

  • Be a positive role model. Act with integrity at all times.

  • Prioritise the well-being of all children and adults at risk at all times

  • Treat all participants (players, members, visitors, parents) fairly and with respect

  • Help to create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off court

  • Not allow any rough or dangerous behaviour, bullying or the use of bad or inappropriate language

  • Report all allegations of abuse or poor practice to one of the club’s Welfare Officer - Lorraine Bowman -

  • Not use any sanctions that humiliate or harm a child or adult at risk

  • Value and celebrate diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs

  • Keep clear boundaries between professional and personal life, including on social media

  • Have the relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults before taking or using photos and videos - see our Online Safety Policy for more information

  • Refrain from making physical contact with children or adults unless it is necessary as part of an emergency or congratulatory (e.g. handshake / high five)

  • Ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined and everyone has the required information and training

  • Avoid being alone with a child without prior parental agreement unless there are exceptional circumstances; similar caution should be taken with and for vulnerable adults

  • Children may use the courts from the age of 13 without coach/parent/responsible supervision

  • Adults are not allowed in the changing rooms/toilets if a child/children or vulnerable adult/s are using, please wait outside until free - see our Changing Room Policy

  • Refrain from transporting children or vulnerable adults alone, unless this is required as part of a club activity (e.g. away match). Make sure the Transportation guidance is followed and signed by the parent/guardian

  • Not abuse, neglect, harm or discriminate against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such

  • Not have a relationship with anyone under 18 for whom they are coaching or responsible for

  • Be acutely aware of the power that coaches and coaching assistants develop over players in the coaching relationship and avoid any intimacy (sexual or otherwise) with players


All children agree to:

  • Be friendly, supportive and welcoming to other children and adults

  • Play fairly and honestly

  • Respect our Coach(s), Officers and adult members and accept their decisions

  • Behave, respect and listen to your Coach

  • Take care of your equipment and club property

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, culture, religion or sexual identity

  • Not use bad, inappropriate or racist language, including on social media

  • Not bully, intimidate or harass anyone, including on social media 

  • To be familiar with RLTC’s Online Safety Policy & not post photos online without prior consent

  • Talk to the club Welfare Officers Lorraine Bowman or Rosie Nicholl -



All parents, guardians and carers agree to:

  • Positively reinforce your child and show an interest in their tennis - lead by example

  • Use appropriate language at all times

  • Be realistic and supportive - the LTA have guidance for Parents in Tennis about supporting children and helpful online resources

  • Never ridicule or admonish a child for making a mistake or losing a match

  • Treat all children, adults, coaches and officers with respect

  • Behave responsibly at the venue; do not embarrass your child

  • Accept the Coach’s/Official’s decisions and do not go on court or interfere with matches 

  • Encourage your child to play by the rules, and teach them that they can only do their best

  • Deliver and collect your child punctually from the venue

  • Ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (sunhat, coat etc.)

  • Ensure that your child understands their code of conduct 

  • Have read the current RLTC guidelines, policies and fully understand the clubs rules

  • Adhere to your venue’s Safeguarding Policy, Diversity and Inclusion policies

  • To be familiar with RLTC's Online Safety Policy and Photography & Filming Policy and not post photos online without prior consent

  • Provide emergency contact details and any relevant information about your child including medical history

  • Ensure your child uses and takes care of the courts and clubhouse

  • We do not allow children under 16 to be in the clubhouse without supervision from their parent/guardian unless under the care of the coach(s) while at coaching or kids camp

  • Please do not give your clubhouse keys to your child

  • Contact the club Welfare Officers Lorraine Bowman or Rosie Nicholl about any concerns or worries they have about themselves or others


The LTA's Code Of Conduct applies to all and can be found here. Above is a Summary.


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